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Call Off Information

To Notify us that you will not be available to work your shift:

Call or Text to 714-621-5823 

PCA Punctuality and Attendance Policy

As an employee of PCAM, LLC, you are expected to be punctual and regular in attendance. Any tardiness 
or absence causes problems for your fellow employees and your supervisor or manager. When you are 
absent, your assigned work must be performed by others. 

Employees are expected to report to work as scheduled, on time, and prepared to start work. Employees 
also are expected to remain at work for their entire work schedule, except for meal periods or when 
required to leave on authorized Company business. Late arrivals, early departures or other unanticipated 
and unapproved absences from scheduled hours are disruptive and must be avoided. 

If Employees is unable to report to work or is going to be late on any particular day, the employee must 
call and notify their immediate supervisor at least two (2) hours before the time they are to begin working 
for that day, or as soon as possible thereafter. If you will be late, call in as early as possible. Two 
consecutive days of absence without notifying the Company (aka No Call, No Show) will be considered a 
voluntary resignation. 

1. During your shift, remain in the area necessary for the efficient performance of your work until 
your shift ends unless you are authorized to leave early. Any unauthorized leave early will be 
considered job abandonment. 

2. Clock in or out of your shift in the prescribed manner and for yourself only. Falsifying time 
records is prohibited. 

3. Unauthorized appearance on Company premises while off-duty is prohibited. When authorized, 
your presence must not interfere with the orderly work of others who are on duty. 

If you are unable to report for work on any particular day, you must provide reasonable advance notice to 
your immediate supervisor before the time you are scheduled to begin working for that day. You must 
inform your supervisor of the expected duration of any absence. If you fail to provide reasonable advance 
notice before your scheduled time to begin work and do not arrive in time for your assigned shift, you will 
be considered tardy for that day. If the circumstances for your tardiness or absence were unforeseen, 
inform your immediate supervisor as soon as practicable of the reason for the tardiness or absenteeism. 

Excessive absenteeism or tardiness, providing false information or abuse of leave laws will not be 
tolerated. Violation of PCAM, LLC attendance policies and rules may warrant disciplinary action. The 
Company has a system of progressive discipline that may include verbal warnings, written warnings, and 
suspension. The system is not formal, and PCAM, LLC may, in its sole discretion, utilize whatever form 
of discipline is deemed appropriate under the circumstances, up to, and including, immediate termination 
of employment. The Company's policy of progressive discipline in no way limits or alters the at-will 
employment relationship. 

Absences protected by local, state and federal law do not count as a violation of the punctuality and 
attendance policy. Paid sick time protected under California law does not count as a violation of 
this policy. 

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